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Data Access Objects (DAO)

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Data Access Objects (DAO) - definition(s)

DAO (Data Access Objects) - DAO (Data Access Objects) is an application program interface (API) available with Microsoft's Visual Basic that lets a programmer request access to a Microsoft Access database. DAO was Microsoft's first object-oriented interface with databases. DAO objects encapsulate Access's Jet functions. Through Jet functions, it can also access other Structured Query Language (SQL) databases.

To conform with Microsoft's vision of a Universal Data Access (UDA) model, programmers are being encouraged to move from DAO , although still widely used, to ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) and its low-level interface with databases, OLE DB. ADO and OLE DB offer a faster interface that is also easier to program.

Related glossary terms: Transact-SQL (T-SQL), Structured Query Language (SQL), Collaboration Data Objects (CDO), OLE DB (OLEDB or Object Linking and Embedding Database), container, query, commit, ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability), SQL Server 2012, fetch

[Category=Data Management ]

Source:, 17 July 2013 09:18:30, External

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