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Data Warehousing Management

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Data Warehousing Management - definition(s)

Data Warehousing Management - The on-going supervision of the data warehousing process. Data warehousing is an on-going process. All of the issues that need to be addressed when a data warehousing project is started also need to be addressed as the data warehouse is used and, most likely, expanded. The types of data warehousing management issues that need to be addressed are: Deciding on Management - Who is sponsoring the project? Who is making the tough decisions? Who is going to mediate conflicts? Deciding on Scope - Which business processes are going to be included? What granularity of data is going to be used? Training - Of management personnel, technical personnel, and end users. Staffing - Who is coordinating the project? Who is doing the technical work? Who is doing the training? Budgeting - For hardware, software, personnel, training, consulting.

[Category=Data Warehousing ]

Source: SDG Computing Inc., 07 May 2010 07:48:59, SDG Computing, now offline






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