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Letter Carrier / Facteur (LC)

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Letter Carrier / Facteur (LC) - definitions

Letter Carrier / Facteur (LC) - Delivery type used in Canada. Delivery by letter carrier.

[Category=Addressing ]

Source: GRC Database Information, 10 April 2009 08:39:18, External

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Letter Carrier - A USPS employee who delivers and collects mail on foot or by vehicle in a prescribed area. The term usually refers to a city carrier rather than to a rural carrier or highway contract carrier. (Compare with carrier.)

[Category=Postal ]

Source: USPS, 28 September 2009 09:53:11, External

letter carrier (LC) - An employee of Canada Post who sorts and delivers mail to an assigned route. [facteur]

[Category=Postal ]

Source: Canada Post, 18 January 2013 09:03:28, External

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