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Data Cardinality

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Data Cardinality - definition(s)

Data Cardinality - Cardinality is a property of data elements which indicates the number of allowable entries in that element. For example, a data element such as gender only allows two entries: Male or Female Data elements which have few allowable entries are said to possess Low Cardinality. Those, such as age or income, for which many allowable entries are possible, are said to have High Cardinality.

[Category=Data Warehousing ]

Source:, 21 July 2010 09:26:38, External

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Data Cardinality - Cardinality is a property of data elements which indicates the number of allowable entries in that element. In the implementation of a structure query language (SQL), the term data cardinality is used to mean the uniqueness of the data values which are contained in a particular column, known as attribute, of a database table.

[Category=Data Warehousing ]

Source: Aexis Business Intelligence, 15 November 2010 08:33:30, External  

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