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Attribute - definition(s)

Attribute : An inherent property, characteristic, or fact that describes an entity or object. A fact that has the same format, interpretation, and domain for all occurrences of an entity type. An attribute is a conceptual representation of a type of fact that is implemented as a field in a record or data element in a database file. 

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: Larry English, External,  12-Jan-2009 14:35

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Attribute - Describes the value found in each field in a table. Every field or column in a database table represents a single attribute of that table. (An attribute is what the data in that field represents, while the value is the actual data that a specific field contains.

See also: Value.

[Category=Database Management ]

Source: Northwest Database Services, 05 November 2009 13:27:52, External

Attribute - A data element stored in a database or file not part of the primary key. For a NAME field, "John" (which represents the First Name) is an attribute - just one of several attributes that are all part of the entire entity (data field).

[Category=Data Governance ]

Source: The Data Governance Institute, 17 November 2009 09:08:56, External

Attribute - An attribute holds a specific, atomic (cannot be subdivided) piece of information about an entity. For example, if a PERSON is an entity, then that person's NAME is an attribute. A PROJECT has a START DATE. See also Entity.

[Category=Data Governance ]

Source: The Data Governance Institute, 17 November 2009 09:09:36, External

Attribute - A characteristic or property of a file, directory, or object; for example, its size, last modification date, or flag. Any demographic selection factor.

[Category=Database Marketing ]

Source: Postcom, 08 February 2010 11:05:51, External

Attribute - Additional information included with a dimension, that is not used in defining the levels of the dimension.

Dimensions become more useful when there are many descriptive attributes that can be used for analyzing the data. In Microsoft Analysis Services attributes are used to create member properties and those member properties can be used to create virtual dimensions.

[Category=Data Warehousing ]

Source: SDG Computing Inc., 05 May 2010 08:40:24, SDG Computing, now offline

Attribute - A field represented by a column within an object (entity). An object may be a table, view or report. An attribute is also associated with an SGML(HTML) tag used to further define the usage.

[Category=Information Management ]

Source:, 30 May 2010 10:47:49, External

Attribute - A field represented by a column within an object (entity). An object may be a table, view or report. An attribute is also associated with an SGML(HTML) tag used to further define the usage.

[Category=Data Management ]

Source: DataMentors, 13 August 2010 09:57:17, External

Attribute - Schedule of depreciation rates allowed for tax purposes.

[Category=Data Warehousing ]

Source: Aexis Business Intelligence, 02 November 2010 10:02:38, External

Attribute - The property a unit has of being either bad or good. That is, the quality characteristic of a unit is either within the specified requirements or it is not.

[Category=Quality ]

Source: The Quality Portal, 31 March 2011 08:53:53, External

Attribute - Any detail that serves to qualify, identify, classify, quantify or express the state of a relation or an entity.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: DAMA UK, 14 July 2011 08:48:45, External

attribute -

(1) [data models] Nonspatial information about a geographic feature in a GIS, usually stored in a table and linked to the feature by a unique identifier. For example, attributes of a river might include its name, length, and sediment load at a gauging station.

(2) [data models] In raster datasets, information associated with each unique value of a raster cell.

[graphics (map display)] Information that specifies how features are displayed and labeled on a map; for example, the graphic attributes of a river might include line thickness, line length, color,  and font for labeling.

[Category=Geospatial ]

Source: esri, 24 January 2012 09:24:28, External

Attribuut - Een veld dat een eigenschap of kenmerk van een object weergeeft. Een object kan zijn een tabel, rapport, view, record, data entiteit, etc.

[Category=Business Intelligence ]

Source:, 18 October 2012 09:41:42, External 


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