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Information Architecture

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Information Architecture - definitions

Information architecture : A "blueprint" of an enterprise expressed in terms of a business process model, showing what the enterprise does; an enterprise information model, showing what information resources are required; and a business information model, showing the relationships of the processes and information.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: Larry English, External, 28-Jan-2009 14:23

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Information architecture - In its broadest definition, a discipline, process, and/or program focusing on on the design and organization of data, unstructured information, and documents.In the context of Enterprise Architecture, it is a synonym for Data Architecture, which is one of the four Enterprise Architectures (with Application Architecture, Business Architecture, and System Architecture). In the context of designing documents and web pages, it is the structuring of large sets of information, as opposed to the development of the content of any content unit within the larger set.

[Category=Data Governance ]

Source: The Data Governance Institute, 10 December 2009 09:43:57, External

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