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Multidimensional Database (MDDB) (MDB) / Multi-Dimensional Database

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Multidimensional Database (MDDB)(MDB) / Multi-Dimensional Database - definitions

Multidimensional Database (MDDB) : A database designed around arrays of data that support many dimensions or views of data (such as product sales by time period, geographic location, and organisation) to support decision analysis.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: Larry English, External, 03-Feb-2009 13:38

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Dimensional Database - (1) A database which has been constructed with the multiple dimensions pre-filled in hyper dimensional cubes of data rather than the traditional two dimensional tables of Relational Databases. (2) A database concept designed for decision support systems in which related data is stored in multidimensional hypercubes. This data organization allows for sophisticated and complex queries and can provide superior performance in certain cases over traditional relational structures.

[Category=Data Warehousing ]

Source:, 08 August 2010 10:31:46, External

Multidimensional Database - A database management system (DBMS) in which data can be viewed and manipulated in multiple dimensions. Data is stored using multidimensional structures and is organized to support analytical operations such as drill-down, consolidation, slicing, and dicing.

[Category=Data Warehousing ]

Source: Aexis Business Intelligence, 20 December 2010 10:10:22, External 

multidimensional database (MDB) - A multidimensional database (MDB) is a type of database that is optimized for data warehouse and online analytical processing (OLAP) applications. Multidimensional databases are frequently created using input from existing relational databases. Whereas a relational database is typically accessed using a Structured Query Language (SQL) query, a multidimensional database allows a user to ask questions like "How many Aptivas have been sold in Nebraska so far this year?" and similar questions related to summarizing business operations and trends. An OLAP application that accesses data from a multidimensional database is known as a MOLAP (multidimensional OLAP) application.

A multidimensional database - or a multidimensional database management system (MDDBMS) - implies the ability to rapidly process the data in the database so that answers can be generated quickly. A number of vendors provide products that use multidimensional databases. Approaches to how data is stored and the user interface vary.

Conceptually, a multidimensional database uses the idea of a data cube to represent the dimensions of data available to a user. For example, "sales" could be viewed in the dimensions of product model, geography, time, or some additional dimension. In this case, "sales" is known as the measure attribute of the data cube and the other dimensions are seen as feature attributes. Additionally, a database creator can define hierarchies and levels within a dimension (for example, state and city levels within a regional hierarchy). Related glossary terms: operational data store / datastore (ODS), repository

[Category=Data Management ]

Source:, 26 August 2013 09:25:01, External  

Multi-Dimensional Databases – a database optimized for data online analytical processing (OLAP) applications and for data warehousing.

[Category=Big Data ]

Source: BigData-Startup, 01 October 2013 09:00:48, External  



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