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Repeatability - definitions

Repeatability - The variation in measurements obtained when one measurement device is used several times by the same person to measure the same characteristic on the same product.

[Category=Quality ]

Source: American Society for Quality, 18 October 2010 08:39:27, External

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Repeatability - Repeatability is the variation in measurements obtained when one person measures the same unit with the same measuring equipment. Repeatability is the variation in measurements obtained when one person takes multiple measurements using the same instrument and techniques on the same parts or items.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: iSixSigma, 20 February 2011 11:21:29, [[$|

Repeatability - The degree of agreement between independent test results produced by the same analyst, using the same test method and equipment on random aliquots of the same sample within a short time period.

[Category=Quality Assurance ]

Source: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, 26 March 2011 08:48:50, External 

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