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Product - definition(s)

Product - The output or result of a process.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: Larry English, External , 06-Feb-2009 08:56

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Product - A product is an outcome of a process or activity which could be a defined object or service.

[Category=Data Quality ]

 Source: iSixSigma, 15 February 2011 10:57:20, External

Product - A product is the output of a process. Products can be tangible or intangible. ISO 9000 lists four generic product categories: services, software, hardware, and processed materials. Many products combine several of these categories. For example, an automobile (a product) combines hardware (e.g. tires), software (e.g. engine control algorithms), and processed materials (e.g. lubricants).

Service is always the result of an interaction between a service supplier and a customer and can take many forms. Service can be provided to support an organization's own products (e.g. warranty service or the serving of meals). Conversely, service can be provided for a product supplied by a customer (e.g. a repair service or a delivery service). Service can also involve the provision of an intangible thing to a customer (e.g. entertainment, transportation, or advice). While software is intangible, and includes things like approaches and procedures, hardware and processed materials are tangible and are often referred to as goods.

[Category=Quality ]

Source: Praxium Research Group Ltd, 12 March 2011 10:26:01, External

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