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Self Mailer / Self-Mailer

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Self Mailer / Self-Mailer - definitions

Self Mailer - A self mailer is a direct mail piece that does not need an envelope. This term is most often used to describe folded brochures or other formats than postcards, although postcards are technically self-mailers by definition.

[Category=Direct Marketing ]

Source: NextMark, 19 August 2009 16:13:19, ?glossaryTermId=a0800000000EqQhAAK External

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Self-Mailer - All mail can be divided into three types: envelope mail, "flats," (large pieces requiring hand rather than machine handling) and "self-mailers" cards (on card stock) or folded pieces of paper placed in the mail stream without an outside carrier. The majority of catalogs are mailed without an envelope as "self-mailers," or "flats." "Three by five" cards can be mailed most economically.

[Category=Database Marketing ]

Source: Postcom, 06 April 2010 11:49:31, External]_image/glossary.htm

Self-mailer - Most commonly refers to a folded direct mail piece capable being addressed and mailed with requiring an envelope (as opposed to postcards, catalogs, etc.).

[Category=Direct Marketing ]

Source: Digital Formatting Services, 02 January 2012 08:58:31, External

Self-mailer - A self-mailer is a printed piece folded in such a way that it can be mailed without an envelope. [Envoi a Decouvert]

[Category=Postal ]

Source: Canada Post, 14 February 2013 09:18:03, External 

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