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Spatial Reference System

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Spatial Reference System - definition(s)

spatial reference system - Source: The OpenGIS® Abstract Specification Topic 2: "Spatial Referencing by Coordinates" External 

As defined in the OpenGIS Abstract Specification Topic 2 and ISO 19111. Position on or near the Earth's surface can be described by spatial reference systems. These are of two basic types: those using coordinates; and those based on geographic identifiers (for example postal addresses, Administrative Area). Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers is defined in ISO 19112, Geographic information - "Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers." The subject matter of The OpenGIS® Abstract Specification Topic 2: "Spatial Referencing by Coordinates" is spatial referencing by coordinates.

[Category=Geospatial ]

Source: Open Geospatial Consortium, 06 July 2011 09:12:11, External 

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