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Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

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Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) - definitions

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) - standard industrial classification (SIC) is a code that represents a company's type of business.

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Source: NextMark, 19 August 2009 16:19:39, ?glossaryTermId=a0800000000F1p1AAC External

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SIC - Standard Industrial Classification, a system to provide a pigeonhole for every type of business, institution, and office of a professional.

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A U.S. Dept. of Commerce assigned four-digit number by function and product for every U.S. business, institution, and office a professional. There are now some 1,050 4-digit SIC codes. Two major business list compilers now provide over 10,000 classifications utilizing the new business standard, the 8-digit SIC.

[Category=Database Marketing ]

Source: Postcom, 06 April 2010 17:26:36, External

Standard Industrial Classification codes - [standards] The federal U.S. standard for classifying establishments by their primary type of business activity. Standard Industrial Classification codes (SIC codes) are used as an identification system in business directories, publications, and statistical sources. The classification system was officially replaced by NAICS in 1997, but it is still used by some organizations outside the federal government.

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Source: esri, 29 August 2012 08:18:31, External 

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