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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) - definition(s)

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) - Equivalent to ERM, although it refers more specifically to operational planning and resource optimization.

[Category=Data Cleansing ]

Source: X4DB, 19 May 2010 09:24:50, External

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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) - ERP systems are comprised of software programs which tie together all of an enterprise's various functions -- such as finance, manufacturing, sales and human resources. This software also provides for the analysis of the data from these areas to plan production, forecast sales and analyze quality. Today many organizations are realizing that to maximize the value of the information stored in their ERP systems, it is necessary to extend the ERP architectures to include more advanced reporting, analytical and decision support capabilities. This is best accomplished through the application of data warehousing tools and techniques.

[Category=Information Management ]

Source:, 17 June 2010 12:39:03, External

ERP - Stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP refers to software packages that attempt to consolidate all the information flowing through the company from finance to human resources. ERP allows companies to standardize their data, streamline their analysis process, and manage long term business planning with greater ease.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: iSixSigma, 20 January 2011 08:13:58 , External

ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning systems are large business management software applications that integrate all facets of the business including planning, sales, purchasing, manufacturing, distribution, HR, finance and marketing. ERP implementations are typically quite expensive and time consuming, due to their size and the implications in organizational change. However, as an integrated solution they can reduce data-reentry (errors & time), reduce time-to-market, improve operational efficiency, and provide an integrated supply chain.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Stibo Systems, 18 May 2011 09:43:21, External

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) - It is a software-driven technique that is intended to optimise the use and application of resources (project management) and manage mission-critical processes (such as workflows, time and expense reporting, collaboration, and Knowledge capture). An enterprise system enables a company to integrate data used throughout the organisation in functions such as finance, operations and logistics, human resources, and sales and marketing.

[Category=Business Intelligence ]

Source: ElegantJ BI Business Intelligence, 30 October 2012 10:05:45, External 

enterprise resource planning (ERP) - A software system that allows an organization to coordinate and manage all its resources, information, and business functions.

[Category=Big Data ]

Source: DataInformed, 30 October 2013 08:53:53, External

ERP - ERP ist die Abkürzung für Enterprise Resource Planning. Dies bezeichnet die Einsatzplanung der in einem Unternehmen vorhandenen Ressourcen. Heute ist dabei in der Regel die Software gemeint, mit der diese Planungen vorgenommen werden. [Category=Data Quality ]

Source: Uniserv, 05 January 2014 09:21:06, External 


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