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Predictive Analytics

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Predictive Analytics - definitions

Predictive Analytics - predictive analytics is an area of data analysis used by direct marketers to predict future events and/or behavior by applying inferential statistics to historical data and trends. Predictive analytics may be used to forecast response, payment, lifetime value and more.

[Category=Direct Marketing ]

Source: NextMark, 17 August 2009 14:32:05, ?glossaryTermId=a0800000000F39TAAS External

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Predictive Analytics - Methods of directed and undirected knowledge discovery, relying on statistical algorithms, neural networks and optimization research to prescribe (recommend) and predict (future) actions based on discovering, verifying and applying patterns in data to predict the behavior of customers, products, services, market dynamics and other critical business transactions. (DMReview definition)

Source: The Data Governance Institute, 19 December 2009 09:28:19, External

Predictive Analytics - Methods of directed and undirected knowledge discovery, relying on statistical algorithms, neural networks and optimization research to prescribe (recommend) and predict (future) actions based on discovering, verifying and applying patterns in data to predict the behavior of customers, products, services, market dynamics and other critical business transactions.

[Category=Information Management ]

Source:, 02 July 2010 09:37:47, External

Predictive Analytics - Methods of directed and undirected knowledge discovery, relying on statistical algorithms, neural networks and optimization research to prescribe (recommend) and predict (future) actions based on discovering, verifying and applying patterns in data to predict the behavior of customers, products, services, market dynamics and other critical business transactions.

[Category=Data Management ]

Source: DataMentors, 25 August 2010 10:22:11, External

Predictive Analysis - It is a powerful analytic engine, which encompasses various statistical and data mining techniques to make predictions/forecast about future business conditions. It helps people make proactive decisions more easily by providing insights via easy-to-use dashboards across the organisation.

[Category=Business Intelligence ]

Source: ElegantJ BI Business Intelligence, 03 November 2012 10:01:59, External 

Predictive analysis – the most valuable analysis within big data as they help predict what someone is likely to buy, visit, do or how someone will behave in the (near) future. It uses a variety of different data sets such as historical, transactional, social or customer profile data to identify risks and opportunities.

[Category=Big Data ]

Source: BigData-Startup, 09 October 2013 09:29:04, External

predictive analytics - Using statistical functions on one or more datasets to predict trends or future events.

[Category=Big Data ]

Source: DataInformed, 07 November 2013 08:41:08, External

Predictive Analytics - A process of using analytics to predict trends or future events from data.

[Category=Big Data ]

Bernard Marr, 21 December 2014 10:24:04, External

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