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Data Warehousing / Data Warehouse

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Data Warehousing / Data Warehouse - definitions

Data Warehousing - The process of visioning, planning, building, using, managing, maintaining, and enhancing data warehouses and/or data marts.

Whether we're building a data warehouse, a data mart, or both, we are taking part in a complex, on-going process. The emphasis in the data-based knowledge business needs to be kept on the process. That's why you're reading a glossary of "data warehousing terminology" instead of a glossary of "data warehouse terminology".

There are many steps in the data warehousing process - Visioning - Having an idea about what could be accomplished.

Learning - Studying the potential of data warehousing.

Justifying - Developing a business purpose for the process.

Budgeting - Counting the cost.

Deciding - Making a commitment to develop and use data-based knowledge.

Gathering Information - Examining legacy systems.

Interviewing Users - Finding what information is needed.

Choosing Tools - Choosing the hardware, the database management system, the data extraction tools, and the Business Intelligence tools.

Building, Using, Testing, and Evaluating the Prototype - Repeat this step and the above steps as necessary.

Deploying - Putting the system into operation.

Training - Helping users make full use of the Business Intelligence tools.

Managing - Keeping track of scheduled data replication, system usage, and query performance.

Adding, Modifying, On-Going Development - As the system is used, new possibilities will be discovered.

Consider also all the actions that take place as a part of the data warehousing process - Data Replication - Periodic copying of legacy data.

Data Transformation - Transforming the legacy data into the form in which it will be stored in the data warehouse.

Data Quality Assurance - Testing the data for inconsistencies and errors.

Data Storage - Storing the data in a DBMS (Database Management System).

Metadata Storage - Storing the description of the data - the data about the data.

Data Mart Population - Populating all the data marts that receive their data from the warehouse.

Setting Up Business Intelligence Tools - Giving users access to the data through Multidimensional Analysis, querying, and data mining.

Setting Alerts - Establishing conditions that result in an automatic message being sent.

Data Warehousing Management - Keeping track of how well all the other actions are being carried out.

[Category=Data Warehousing ]

Source: SDG Computing Inc., 07 May 2010 07:50:01, SDG Computing, now offline

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Data Warehouse - Central repository for all or significant parts of the data that an enterprise's various business systems collect. Data from various online transaction processing applications and other sources is selectively extracted and organized on the data warehouse database for use by analytical applications and user queries.

[Category=Data Cleansing ]

Source: X4DB, 17 May 2010 08:49:52, External

Data Warehouse - An implementation of an informational database used to store sharable data sourced from an operational database-of-record. It is typically a subject database that allows users to tap into a company's vast store of operational data to track and respond to business trends and facilitate forecasting and planning efforts.

[Category=Information Management ]

Source:, 13 June 2010 07:59:34, External

Data Warehousing - Data Warehousing refers to a collection of technological approaches in which multiple data sets are combined into a single repository, over which certain kinds of federated queries can be made.

Dean Allemang - Semantic Web and the Linked Data Enterprise: Linking Enterprise Data, External, 02 November 2010 10:19:48

Data Warehousing - The process of designing, building, and maintaining a data warehouse system.

[Category=Data Warehousing ]

Source: Aexis Business Intelligence, 26 November 2010 10:18:19, External

Data warehouse - A single database containing information from an entire organisation - customer details, product information etc.

[Category=Database Marketing ]

Source: DBG, 03 May 2011 08:12:56, External 

data warehouse - A place to store data for the purpose of reporting and analysis.

[Category=Big Data ]

Source: DataInformed, 28 October 2013 08:38:51, External

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