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Knowledge Worker

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Knowledge worker - definitions

Knowledge worker - highly skilled professionals who are involved in the non-routine production, interpretation, and application of complex information.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: Martin Eppler, External, 01-Feb-2009 13:08

Knowledge worker - The role of individuals in which they use information in any form as part of their job function or in the course of performing a process, whether operational or strategic. Also referred to as an information consumer or customer. Accountable for work results created as a result of the use of information and for adhering to any policies governing the security, privacy, and confidentiality of the information used.

[Category=Data Quality ]

Source: Larry English, External, 01-Feb-2009 13:08

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Knowledge worker - Anyone who works for a living at the tasks of developing or using knowledge. For example, a knowledge worker might be someone who works at any of the tasks of planning, acquiring, searching, analyzing, organizing, storing, programming, distributing, marketing or otherwise contributing to the transformation and commerce of information and those workers used at consuming that same knowledge.

[Category=Information Management ]

Source:, 26 June 2010 09:18:25, External

knowledge worker - A knowledge worker is anyone who works for a living at the tasks of developing or using knowledge. For example, a knowledge worker might be someone who works at any of the tasks of planning, acquiring, searching, analyzing, organizing, storing, programming, distributing, marketing, or otherwise contributing to the transformation and commerce of information and those (often the same people) who work at using the knowledge so produced. A term first used by Peter Drucker in his 1959 book, Landmarks of Tomorrow, the knowledge worker includes those in the information technology fields, such as programmers, systems analysts, technical writers, academic professionals, researchers, and so forth. The term is also frequently used to include people outside of information technology, such as lawyers, teachers, scientists of all kinds, and also students of all kinds.

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[Category=Data Management ]

Source:, 22 August 2013 09:07:03, External

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