_____ _____ Austria

Global Sourcebook for International Data Management

                                         by Graham Rhind



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Global Sourcebook | Index | Properties


For supplementary information, see links to post office home pages here External, to postal code pages here External and to other personal name and addressing issues pages here External.

Table of Contents

Austria - Country information


Local short name form

Official Name



9 158 750 (2024 estimate) [1]



International telephone access code


ISO 3166 country codes

Car nationality plate code


Internet country code


GRC Country Code


Austria - Number format


(where , indicates the decimal separator and . the thousands separator)

Austria - Date and time formats




The 24-hour clock notation is mainly used:



Austria - Languages


German External is the official language, spoken by 99% of the population. There are 300 000 speakers of Allemanisch External; 22 000 speakers of Hungarian External; 60 000 speakers of Serbo-Croatian External; 30 000 speakers of Slovenian External along the border with Slovenia and 500 speakers of Sinte Romani External.

Austria - For the attention of


The words zu Händen, abbreviated to z.H. or z.Hd. mean ‘For the attention of’.

Austria - Forms of address


Academic and occupational titles are given great importance in Austrian society and must be correctly used. They are used with and following a form of address, and before a name. Thus:

   Herr Direktor Dr Schmidt

When addressing an Austrian within a letter, the surname should be omitted where the title exists, for example:

   Sehr geehrter Herr Doktor
   Tables of forms of address External can be acquired

Personal names in Austria


For given names External, Austrian law states that they must be “by nature” given names (i.e. may not include family names External, common nouns, brand names, place names, noble titles and so on); that they must be gender-specific; short forms are allowed but not nicknames; they must be spelt "correctly"; and that the given name may not have the potential to cause harm to the namee (e.g. Mickey Mouse, Kain, Osame bin Ladin).

   Tables of names can be acquired: given names External, surnames/family names External, family name prefixes External, forms of address External, job titles External

Austria - Company names


Where the nature of a company is mentioned in the company name this precedes the name of the company, thus:

   Bäcker Schmidt

You will often, however, find these activity indications after the company name, thus:

   Schmidt, Bäcker
   Schmidt (Bäcker)

Austrian company names will also often contain the name of the inhaber(in) (owner), usually indicated by the abbreviation ‘Inh.’.

Austria - Company legal forms


The following company types may be found in Austrian company names:

   AG (Aktiengesellschaft) (stock corporation)
   EEG (Eingetragene Erwerbsgesellschaft – professional partnership)
   EEIG (European Economic Interest Group)
   Einzelunternehmen (sole trader)
   Genossenschaft (Gen.) (Cooperative)
   GmbH (also written Gesellschaft mbH) (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung) (company with limited liability)
   GmbH & Co. KG (limited company and company limited partnership)
   GesnBR (Gesellschaft nach bürgerlichem Recht) (private partnership)
   KEG (Kommanditerwerbsgesellschaft) (limited trading partnership)
   KG (Kommanditgesellschaft) (limited partnership)
   OG (Offene Gesellschaft) (general partnership)
   OEG (Offene Erwerbsgesellschaft) (open trading partnership)
   OHG (Offene Handelgesellschaft) (general partnership)
   St. Ges. (Stille Gesellschaft) (silent partnership)
   Verein (Association)
   Comprehensive tables of these strings can be acquired – see http://www.grcdi.nl/addresses.htm External

Austria - Addresses


In company addresses the name of the company precedes the name of the contact. The house number follows the street name. The form of address of the person or the type of company comes on the top line alone. Thus:




For small settlements where the name does not appear in the postal file, and where the postal town name is different, an extra line may be added to the address block to include the settlement name, in this way:


For post sent within Austria, the city name is written in mixed case.

The general rule is that the thoroughfare name and the thoroughfare type are written as one word, thus:


There are two important exceptions. If the thoroughfare name refers to the real name of a place (e.g. a town name, a castle name, a forest name, etc.) then there is a space between the thorough­fare name and the thoroughfare type, thus:

   Wiener Strasse 
   Tyroler Allee

The second exception is where complete personal names are used. In these cases, each component of the name and each thoroughfare type are separated with hyphens. Note, however, that sur­names only are not covered by this exception. Thus:

   Kaiser Wilhelm Strasse 
   Albert Einstein Strasse 



In streets beginning with prepositions or some adjectives (‘Am’, ‘An’, ‘Alter’, etc.) the preposition or adjective is followed by a space, thus:

   Alter Marktstrasse   

House numbers are usually hyphenated thus:



   A table containing information about the relevant position of elements within address blocks can be acquired External


Austria - (Sub-)Building elements


   Note: This section last updated 15th November 2020

Sub-buildings or units are normally indicated with a letter after the building number. Sometimes the position in relation to another building may be found, using vor (in front of), neben (next to), gegenüber (opposite) etc.

Grst. Nr. (Grundsteuer Nummer) indicates the property tax number.

   Comprehensive tables of these strings can be acquired – see http://www.grcdi.nl/addresses.htm External

Austria - Thoroughfare types


Below is a list of the most commonly occurring thoroughfare types, with the abbreviated form(s) which you are most likely to find in address databases:

   Boulevard (Bd)
   Chaussee (Ch)
   Platz (Pl)
   Straße (Str)
   Comprehensive tables of these strings can be acquired – see http://www.grcdi.nl/addresses.htm External

Other elements commonly found in address databases


NB: German grammar rules governing articles, prepositions and adjectives are complex, and there is no need to explain them here. It is only necessary to be able to recognise them when and where they occur in addresses. For this reason a list without further explanation is provided. As a very general rule of thumb, the prepositions and adjectives listed may have one of the following endings added: nothing; e; er; em; en or es.

German English
der/die/das/den/dem/des the
ein/eine/eines/einen/einem/einer a, an
und and
bis till, until, up to
für for
von of, from
zu, zu der (zur), zu dem (zum), nach to, towards
bei, bei der/den/dem (beim) near, at
an, an der/den/dem (am) at, by, towards
auf, auf der/den/dem on
in, in der/den/dem (im) in
gegenüber opposite, facing
nächst, neben, neben der/dem/den next to
hinter, hinter der/den/dem behind
vor, vor der/den/dem before, in front of
zwischen, zwischen der/den/dem between, amongst
über, über der/den/dem over, above, beyond
unter, unter der/dem/den under, beneath, below
mit with
neu/neue new
alt/alte old
kurz/kurze/kurzen/kurzer/kurzem/kurzes (K.) short
lang/lange/langen/langer/langem/langes (L./Lge.) long
gross/grosse/grossen/grosser/grossem/grosses (G.) large
klein/kleine/kleinen/kleiner/kleinem/kleines(K./Kl./Kle.) small
nord north
ost east
süd south
west west
Sankt (St.) saint
Industrieterrein, Industriegebiet industrial estate

For addresses written in Slovenian, Serbo-Croat or Hungarian, please refer to the appropriate country chapter.

Austria - Post office box


This is written as Postfach (PF).

Austria - Postal codes


   Note: This section last updated 28th December 2018

The postal code (Postleitzahl) is written on the same line, and before, the name of the town.

Austrian postal codes consist of a block of 4 digits (the first digit cannot be a 0). These codes do not correspond well to administrative districts, as many towns have more than one code, and many codes refer to more than one municipality. Codes may refer to a whole town, a set of post office boxes or an area centred on a post office within larger towns.

The three villages of the Kleinwalsertal External: Mittelberg External, Hirschegg External, and Riezlern External, in Vorarlberg External, can only be reached by road from Germany. The inhabitants of this valley have both German (87567-87569) and Austrian (6991-6993) postal codes. Similarly, the pene-exclave of Austria containing the village of Jungholz External is accessible by road only through Germany and has the German postal code 87491 as well as the Austrian postal code 6691.

   Metadata containing postal code formatting rules, exceptions and regular expressions can be acquired External

Austria - Postal code format graphic


Austria - Postal code format

Austria - Postal code specifics

Austria - Postal code regular expression


Austria - Postal code level of coverage


Austria - Postal code map


Austria 2-digit postal code areas Click on map for larger version

Place names in Austria


   Note: This section last updated 30th March 2015

For the Hungarian- and Croat-speaking minorities in the Burgenland region, place name exonyms exist.

For the Slovene-speaking minority along the border with Slovenia, place name exonyms exist.

Refer to Exonyms in Austria for full lists of place names in Austria in other languages.

   Alternate place name forms/postal code tables can be acquired at http://www.grcdi.nl/settlements.htm External
   Other language place name data can be acquired at http://www.grcdi.nl/otherlanguageplace.htm External

Austria - Administrative districts


Austria has 9 states (Bundesländer External):

Bundesländ Abbrev. Postal code areas
Burgenland External Bgl 242, 2473-2475, 2491, 70-73, 740-741, 7422-7423, 743-747, 75, 838
Kärnten External (Carinthia) 90-92, 930-931, 9321-9322, 933-937, 94-96, 970-977, 9781, 98
Niederösterreich External 20-23, 240-241, 243-246, 247-2472, 248, 2490, 2492-2493, 25-28, 30-32, 330-332, 3331-3333, 334-339, 34-39, 430, 4392, 443, 4441, 4482
Oberösterreich External 3334-3335, 40-42, 431-438, 4391, 440-442, 4442-4443, 445-447, 4481, 4483-4484, 449, 45-49, 512-514, 521-528, 531, 536
Salzburg External Sbg 50, 510-511, 515-516, 520, 530, 532-533, 5340, 5342, 535, 54-57
Steiermark External (Styria) Stm 7421, 80-82, 830-836, 84-89, 9323
Tirol External Tir 60-66, 9782, 9900-9991
Vorarlberg External Vbg 67-69
Wien External (Vienna)   1
   This regions/postal code data can be acquired as a data file External

The name of the state is never used in addresses.

Administrative districts graphic


Telephone numbers in Austria


Austrian telephone numbers have total lengths ranging between 4and 13 when called from abroad. Area codes commencing 644, 650-653, 655, 657, 659, 660-661, 663-669, 67-69 indicate mobile numbers.

   Tables of telephone number information/formats can be acquired – see http://www.grcdi.nl/telephone.htm External 


  1. ^ citypopulation.de/en/austria/admin/ External 20240803

Every effort is made to keep this resource updated. If you find any errors, or have any questions or requests, please don't hesitate to contact the author.

All information copyright Graham Rhind 2024. Any information used should be acknowledged and referenced.