_____ _____ Guinea

Global Sourcebook for International Data Management

                                         by Graham Rhind



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Global Sourcebook | Index | Properties


For supplementary information, see links to post office home pages here External, to postal code pages here External and to other personal name and addressing issues pages here External.

Table of Contents

Guinea - Country information


Local short name form

Official name



10 523 261 (2014) [1]



International telephone access code


ISO 3166 country codes

Car nationality plate code


Internet country code


GRC Country Code


Guinea - Number format

   Note: This section last updated 26th April 2021

In French and Fulah (Fuuta Jalon, Latin script):

   1 234,45

(where , indicates the decimal separator and a space the thousands separator)

In Kpelle:


(where . indicates the decimal separator and , the thousands separator)

Guinea - Date and time formats


   Note: This section last updated 26th April 2021

In French and Fulah (Fuuta Jalon, Latin script):


In Kpelle:


Guinea - Languages


The official languages are French External and Fuuta Jalon External with 2 550 000 speakers.

There are 28 other spoken languages in Guinea. Their geographical spread is complex. The most widely spoken are: Northern Kissi External (286 500 speakers); Maninka External (1 816 000 speakers); Susu External (800 000 speakers); Toma External (143 800 speakers) and Yalunka External (146 800 speakers).

Guinea - Personal names


Some Guinean women hyphenate their maiden names and their husband’s family name after marriage.

   Tables of names can be acquired: given names External, surnames/family names External, family name prefixes External, forms of address External, job titles External

Guinea - Address formats



Any address written in a non-native language will be written in French. Deliveries are made only to post office boxes (Boîte Postale, or BP).

Though postal deliveries are only to mailing addresses, street addresses will be found for the use of couriers, visitors etc. As not all streets are named, these may often be descriptive and unstructured. In some districts of Conakry, roads are labelled with a two-letter code indicating the district, followed by a three-digit number, with odd numbers indicating streets travelling north to south and even numbers for streets travelling east to west. For example: KA002 for a north/south street in Kaloum. Address examples:




   A table containing information about the relevant position of elements within address blocks can be acquired External

Guinea - Post office box


This is written as Boîte Postale, or BP.

Guinea - Postal codes


   Note: This section last updated 16th July 2020

Guinea introduced a three-digit postal code system in 2005, written at the start of the address line. The postal regions are:

   0 Conakry
   1 Basse-Guinée
   2 Moyenne-Guinée
   3 Haute-Guinée
   4 Guinée forestière

Somes sources include the post office box number as part of the postal code.

The postal code is rarely used.

   Metadata containing postal code formatting rules, exceptions and regular expressions can be acquired External

Guinea - Postal code format graphic


Guinea - Postal code format


Guinea - Postal code specifics

Guinea - Postal code regular expression

\A( (0-4)\d{3,3})\Z

Guinea - Postal code level of coverage


Guinea - Postal code map

imageClick on the image for a larger version

Place names in Guinea


   Note: This section last updated 26th August 2014

Refer to Exonyms in Guinea for full lists of place names in Guinea in other languages.

   Alternate place name forms/postal code tables can be acquired at http:www.grcdi.nl/settlements.htm External
   Other language place name data can be acquired at http://www.grcdi.nl/otherlanguageplace.htm External

Guinea - Administrative districts


Guinea has 33 prefectures External and 1 special zone (zone spécial, shown in the list below with an asterisk):

Prefecture/Special zone Postal region
Beyla External 4
Boffa External 1
Boké External 1
Conakry External * 0
Coyah External 1
Dabola External 2
Dalaba External 3
Dinguiraye External 3
Dubreka External 1
Faranah External 3
Forécariah External 1
Fria External 1
Gaoual External 2
Guéckédou External 4
Kankan External 3
Kérouané External 3
Kindia External 1
Kissidougou External 4
Koubia External 2
Koundara External 2
Kouroussa External 3
Labé External 2
Lélouma External 2
Lola External 4
Macenta External 4
Mali External 2
Mamou External 2
Mandiana External 3
Nzérékoré External 4
Pita External 2
Siguiri External 3
Télimélé External 1
Tougue External 2
Yomou External 4

Administrative districts graphic


Telephone numbers in Guinea


   Note: This section last updated 2nd June 2020

Guinean telephone numbers have no area codes. Subscriber numbers have 9 digits. Mobile numbers commence with a 2 or a 6.


  1. ^ citypopulation.de/en/guinea/admin/ External 20230104

Every effort is made to keep this resource updated. If you find any errors, or have any questions or requests, please don't hesitate to contact the author.

All information copyright Graham Rhind 2024. Any information used should be acknowledged and referenced.