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Global Sourcebook for International Data Management
by Graham Rhind
For supplementary information, see links to post office home pages here , to postal code pages here
and to other personal name and addressing issues pages here
46 044 703 (2022) [1]
(where , indicates the decimal separator and . the thousands separator)
The official language is Spanish , spoken by 96% of the population. 24 other, mainly Indian languages are also spoken. The most widespread are: Mapudungun
(40 000 speakers in the provinces of Neuquen, Rio Negro, Chubut, Buenos Aires and La Pampa); South Bolivian Quecha
(850 000 speakers along the border with Bolivia and in Buenos Aires) and Santiago del Estero Quichua
(75 000 speakers in Santiago del Estero province).
Some people have a given name followed by two family names, that of the father followed by that of the mother, for example:
Barbara Betancourt Perez
Upon marriage, females may choose to take their husband’s name as a further given name, in this way:
Barbara Betancourt Perez de Lopez
where the de indicates “(wife) of”. De usually indicates a married female, but may also be part of a name. Many females in Argentina now do not take their husband’s name upon marriage. When a daughter is born, she takes the first surname of the mother (that of the paternal line) and the second surname (from the maternal line) is dropped, so a daughter of the Barbara Betancourt Perez de Lopez might be called:
Gabriella Betancourt Lopez
These patterns are used less in Argentina than in other South American countries. Many people now use a single family name.
Professional people are often referred to by their qualification, followed by the given name and paternal family name (and sometimes the maternal family name):
Arquitecto (m) / Arquitecta (f) Architect Doctor (m) / Doctora (f) (Dr/Dra) Doctor Ingeniero (m) / Ingeniera (f) (Ing.) Engineer Licenciado (m) / Licenciada (f) (Lic.) Holder of a university degree Profesor (Prof.) Professor
Except for the titles “Doctor” and “Licenciado”, this form is preceded by the standard form of address in this way:
Señor Ingeniero Juan Domínguez
Tables of names can be acquired: given names, surnames/family names
, family name prefixes
, forms of address
, job titles
Argentinian company types include:
SA - Sociedad Anónima SE - Sociedad del Estado - state enterprise SRL – Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada - Limited Liability Company Sociedad en Comandita - limited partnership
Comprehensive tables of these strings can be acquired – see http:www.grcdi.nl/addresses.htm![]()
Note: This section last updated 21st May 2020
Argentinian addresses are written in this format:
Contact person Street name[ ]house number {floor/department/district information} POSTAL CODE[ ]Settlement
for example:
Nothing should be written beneath or to the left of the postal code in the address block, and the postal code must contain no extraneous letters or punctuation marks.
In the case of post office box address, the format is:
Contact person [Casilla de Correo ]post office box number {name of post office} POSTAL CODE[ ]Settlement
for example:
Where the street name is a number, the string “No” should be used to split the street name and the house number in this way:
CALLE 70 No 43
Street addresses follow closely the Spanish structure - the thoroughfare type calle (street) is usually not written, except where the thoroughfare name is a letter or a number. Other thoroughfare types are written with a lower-case first letter. The house number is at the end of the street address string often followed (on a new line) by an indication of floor, stairwell etc. For a full description of thoroughfare types and other address components, please refer to the chapter on Spain.
The new postal code contains a province indicator, so the province name is no longer required in the address. However, whilst the new system is being introduced, you are often likely to come across province names in addresses. A full list, with abbreviations commonly used, is provided below:
Province | Abbreviation | Postal code (first letter) |
Buenos Aires |
BA | B |
Catamarca |
C | K |
Chaco |
CHO | H |
Chubut |
CHT | U |
Córdoba |
CBA | X |
Corrientes |
CTS | W |
Distrito Federal (Capital Federal) |
DF, CF | C |
Entre Ríos |
ER | E |
Formosa |
F | P |
Jujuy |
J | Y |
La Pampa |
LP | L |
La Rioja |
LR | F |
Mendoza |
MZA | M |
Misiones |
MS | N |
Neuquén |
N | Q |
Río Negro |
RN | R |
Salta |
S | A |
San Juan |
SJ | J |
San Luis |
SL | D |
Santa Cruz |
SC | Z |
Santa Fe |
SF | S |
Santiago del Estero |
SE | G |
Tierra del Fuego |
TF | V |
Tucumán |
T | T |
This regions/postal code data can be acquired as a data file![]()
A table containing information about the relevant position of elements within address blocks can be acquired![]()
This is written Casilla de Correo in Argentina.
The postal code (CPA, Código Postal Argentino) //formats of Argentina changed in 1999 from a block of 4 digits to a block of 8 characters having the format:
For example:
The first character cannot be I, O or V. Buenos Aires The first five characters are the prefix, the last three the suffix. These codes will cover groups of buildings (odd- and even-numbered by street; or by block), a much finer area than the current code. The four digits in the new code are usually the same as the pre-1999 4-digit code (some have been changed to allow improved zoning). The letter at the start of the prefix indicates the province - Please refer to the table above in the address format section. The suffix identifies the group of buildings within the zone indicated by the prefix.
Metadata containing postal code formatting rules, exceptions and regular expressions can be acquired![]()
Note: This section last updated 20th August 2014
Refer to Exonyms in Argentina for full lists of place names in Argentina in other languages.
Alternate place name forms/postal code tables can be acquired at http://www.grcdi.nl/settlements.htm![]()
Other language place name data can be acquired at http://www.grcdi.nl/otherlanguageplace.htm![]()
Argentina has 23 provinces (provincias, singular - provincia) and one autonomous city (distrito federal), which are not included in the address since the introduction of the new postal code system in 1999 (though distrito federal is often found written in addresses). A list of these abbreviations is provided above in the section “Address Format”. These are NOT the abbreviations used as the first letter in the new postal code.
Area codes (when called from abroad) have 2-4 digits, subscriber codes 6-8. The two together always give a total number length of 10 digits.
Every effort is made to keep this resource updated. If you find any errors, or have any questions or requests, please don't hesitate to contact the author.
All information copyright Graham Rhind 2025. Any information used should be acknowledged and referenced.