GRC Data Intelligence Expertise in Global Data
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Data Quality pages For links to companies and suppliers involved in data quality, please refer to this page Compiled by Graham Rhind. If you have any comments, corrections or suggestions for additions, please send a message. General Data quality glossary - bringing together definitions of terms in the follow subject areas: Big Data, Data Quality, Information Quality, Direct Marketing, Postal Addressing, Database Management, Data Governance, Localisation/Localization, Data Warehousing, Data Cleansing, Information Management, Geospatial. International Association for Information and Data Quality (IAIDQ) - Advancing the information and data quality profession and its body of knowledge Data Quality Pro - (in English) - Free online resource for data quality professionals - data management resource Top Excel Tips for Data Analysts - from Data Quality Blogs GRC Data Intelligence - A place for anecdotes and moans, opinions and contemplations about data/information quality and international data Jill Wanless - Data Quality from the Ground Up - or how to achieve results without executive sponsorship or a formal mandate Kynetika - Managing Global Data Dirty Data Donkey Blog - Data Quality, B2B, Business Best Practices and Donkeys! Diary of a Marketing Insight Guy - Community and resources for database marketing, analytics and intelligence Steve Sarsfield - Data Governance and Data Quality Insider. Covering the world of data integration, data governance, and data quality Jim Harris - Obsessive-Compulsive Data Quality Liliendahl on Data Quality The DOBlog - Daragh O Brien on Data Privacy, Information Quality Management & other issues Beth Breidenbach - Confessions of a database geek - How database professionals interact with regulatory and social issues. Database administration, data integration, data quality Online Videos Timo Elliott - Data Quality Example - Example of the real-life problems that arise from data quality issues. 1'59" Derek Sivers: Weird, or just different? - Japanese address forms as opposed to those United States' citizens are used to. 2'42" Data Quality on Twitter - Individuals and Consultants Graham Rhind - International name and address data expertise. Carsten Kraus - I'm the CEO and founder of Omikron Data Quality and FACT- I'm interested in data quality, ecommerce and mobile-commerce Dan Power - Husband, father, sailor; founder of Hub Solution Designs, a consulting firm specializing in Master Data Management and Data Governance Daragh O Brien - Information Quality Consultant, writer, teacher, family guy The Data Quality Chronicle - William Sharp - Data quality analyst,blogger & tweeter Data Quality Pro -The most popular online data quality community resource for anyone requiring free expert tutorials, techniques, articles or technology advice David Loshin - Data management analyst and consulting Garnie Bolling - Master Data Management, Data Management, Enterprise Data Integration, Data Quality and Data Governance. And of course a Family Man... Henrik L. Sørensen - Data Quality and Master Data Management professional Jacqueline Roberts - Business expertise in data quality; multiple system data integration, naming standards, language translation enabling the development of data processing tools James Standen - Software startup founder- passionate data guy Jill Dyche - Partner at Baseline Consulting, a BI, MDM and data governance services firm: @BaselineConsult. Best-selling book author. Dog rescuer. Dilettante haiku writer Jill Wanless - From Data Quality to Data Governance. No Sponsor + Bottom up Approach + Gorilla Tactics = Raised awareness + Bus. Sponsor + new job! Jim Harris - OCDQ Blog - I am an independent consultant, speaker, writer and blogger with over 15 years of professional services and application development experience in data quality John Owens - Creator of academically acclaimed Integrated Modelling Method and of Holistic Unified Business (HUB) Method. Follow for great hints & tips on business modelling Julian Schwarzenbach - Passionate about improving data and process quality in asset intensive industries Ken O'Connor - Data Management Data Governance Data Quality Data Analysis ETL Data Conversion Data Transformation Data Population Phil Simon - Author, Independent Technology Consultant, Speaker, Unabashed Rush Fan Phil Wright - BI & Data Quality Practitioner, Independent Consultant, Blogger Richard Murnane - Data geek Simon Daniels - Solutions, community and resources for database marketing, analytics and intelligence Steve Sarsfield - Author of 'Data Governance Imperative'. Data geek by passion. Marketing by profession - Talend Open Source Data Quality on Twitter - Corporate and other Informatica AddressDoctor - The leading provider of international address verification and cleaning solutions Capscan - Capscan is a leading supplier of international address management solutions and data integrity services Database Marketing Magazine - The UK's leading B2C and B2B magazine for database, direct and insight-driven marketers Dataflux - DataFlux enables organizations to analyze, improve and control data Datamartist - Data transformation in a visual, flexible tool. Data profiling and transformation combined in a single tool Data Services Inc. - The pioneer in Worldwide Address Hygiene and related Data Quality solutions for Global Direct Marketing! Experian Data Quality (USA) - Data quality company specializing in address verification software Global-Z - Twenty years of experience working with global marketing data, we have the knowledge, expertise, superior technology, and industry-leading customer service Initiate - Initiate, an IBM company, delivers multi-domain master data management solutions for interoperability, information sharing and data governance International Association for Information and Data Quality - The leading professional organization for Information & Data Quality Professionals Informatica Loqate (in English, based in San Bruno, CA, USA) - Address identification, verification and geocoding PostcodeAnywhere - An award-winning software company which was established in 2001. A leading “information-as-a-service” provider Uniserv GmbH - Uniserv is an expert in successful customer data management. In its solutions for customer data management and data quality comprising both customer master data and transaction and interaction data, Uniserv combines data quality assurance and data integration in a comprehensive approach. Utopia Inc. - Enterprise Data Lifecycle Management Solutions & Consulting
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